Veterinary pharmaceuticals
NC Logistic provides a range of services for the safe storage, processing and transportation of medicines, immunobiological medicinal products, as well as medical devices used in veterinary medicine for the prevention and treatment of diseases of domestic and farm animals.
A high-tech A Class warehouse has the appropriate licenses and fully meets the requirements of supervisory authorities. The logistics structure allows receiving, processing and issuing goods on a round-the-clock basis. The warehouse complex is equipped with modern climatic equipment, which allows maintaining the required temperature and humidity in the range from -24° to + 25°. Precise climatic adjustment ensures the creation of ideal storage conditions for medicinal products, taking into account their pharmaceutical properties.
Observance of the cold chain ensures uninterrupted operation of validated equipment, control of security systems, and deliberate recorded actions of qualified personnel. The processing of products within the cold chain is organized in accordance with SOPs. The Company guarantees the complete safety and constant quality of the chemical and biological properties of thermolabile products during storage and subsequent transportation of pharmaceutical products.
Assembly and equipment of warehouse complexes:
- Modern stepped front racks with addressable storage function
- Front-loading lifting vehicles, and other auxiliary vehicles
- Climate monitoring, temperature control systems, air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems, backup power supply
- Electric thermal curtains that regulate the flow of hot and cold air into the warehouse space
- Intelligent data storage systems