Transport logistics
Transport logistics of pharmaceutical goods is the most important link in a closed system of services for pharmaceutical companies. High-quality transportation of medicines directly depends on strict adherence to the optimal temperature regime recommended by the manufacturer. Only by observing this rule, we can preserve the beneficial properties of products without affecting their effectiveness. Each type of medicinal product has individual requirements for storage and transportation. NC Logistic guarantees the safety of the transported goods, the preservation of the tightness of the packaging of the goods and their original properties. The Company provides transportation of goods using a validated vehicle fleet equipped with thermal monitoring controls with the provision of a temperature report. All medicines are shipped medicines are shipped in full compliance with the quality of Good Distribution Practice (GDP).We have eliminated the possibility of overheating or overcooling medicines during transportation and fully preserve their pharmacological properties by using the best modern refrigerating chambers, providing thermal containers to maintain the optimal temperature, refrigeration elements and thermal sensors. The transportation is based on multi-temperature technology, which allows one vehicle to transport several types of cargo with different temperature requirements.
We pay particular attention to the observance of the
NC Logistic provides